Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Save Javascript for Blogger Gadget

Recently, I have noticed that I was unable to save javascript for Blogger HTML/JavaScript gadgets. It just says saving, but it takes forever. Even the old widgets cannot be saved.

I have a work-around for this problem.

©Blogging with blogger is basically 123.

Add a Blogger Gadget

  1. Add a Gadget

  2. Add HTML/JavaScript

  3. Add text to title and content: e.g. Recent Posts

  4. Save

  5. Go

  6. Add text to title and content: e.g. Recent Posts

  7. Save

Include JavaScript into HTML

  1. Go to Layout->Edit HTML

  2. Check Expand Widget Templates

  3. Find the widget you just created

  4. Add JavaScript

  5. Comment line <data:content/>

  6. Save Template

I will provide screen-shots later.

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